Duvar English
According to the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO), in September, the Cost of Living Index for wage earners in Istanbul, which reflects retail price movements, increased by 3.90% compared to the previous month, while the Wholesale Price Index, which tracks wholesale price movements, rose by 4.67%.
Compared to September of the previous year, retail prices increased by 59.18%, while wholesale prices rose by 47.89%.
Retail prices increased across several categories in September compared to the previous month with the biggest rises being in “other expenses” at 14.62%, culture, education, and entertainment at 13.24%, and clothing at 6.67%.
Increases were also noted in housing at 4.18%, household goods at 3.62%, food at 2.63%, and health and personal care at 0.72%. Meanwhile, the only decrease was seen in transportation and communication, which dropped by 0.35%.
Wholesale prices also saw notable increases in the megacity compared to the previous month with the textiles group experiencing the largest rise at 13.72%. It was followed by raw materials at 6.83%, construction Materials at 5.48%, and chemical products at 4.43%.
Additionally, there were increases in foodstuffs by 2.61%, metals by 2.60%, and fuel and energy materials by 2.01%.