HomeHoroscopeCapricorn Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope


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MONTH OF September

Are you sitting down, Capricorn? The next two and a half months could be among the most important of your entire life. You’re about to graduate from a rare 16-year cosmic cycle that not every zodiac sign will experience: the grand finale of transformational Pluto’s transit through your sign.

There are plenty of other highlights this month. Uranus turns retrograde on September 1, the same day that Pluto backs into Capricorn, and the two form a harmonizing 120-degree trine that we haven’t experienced for more than a century. Virgo season and a September 2 Virgo new moon bring adventurous new opportunities and, in the second half of the month, the September 17 Pisces full supermoon kicks off fall eclipse season.

Even with all that action, Pluto is the main attraction of your September horoscope, as it completes its protracted tour of Capricorn from September 1 to November 19. All eyes will be on you and your signmates!

Let’s rewind. Your “Pluto era” started on November 27, 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn for the first time since 1778, leaving the birth of the United States of America and the signed Declaration of Independence in its wake. That transit, which began in 1762, marked the last complete revolution (pun intended) of Pluto in your sign. This fall, you’ll experience a Pluto graduation firsthand. Then, Pluto moves into Aquarius for 20 years, not to return to Capricorn for two centuries.

The month begins with shadowy Pluto, retrograde since May 2, backing out of Aquarius, where it’s been hanging out in your second house of money and security since January 20, 2024.

Prior to that, you’ve had the profound experience of hosting Pluto in your first house of selfhood, identity and personal agendas. Since 2008, you’ve learned major lessons about how to present your ideas and share your beliefs with the world, some spectacular successes and others possibly formidable failures. Pluto is the planet of power, and any abuses or misuses of it came into sharp relief. We saw the downfall of Capricorns like R. Kelly and Marilyn Manson—and the rise of Capricorn political figures like RFK, Jr., Michelle Obama and many (oft-disgraced) members of Donald Trump’s 2016 cabinet.

Who are you and what do you stand for? Have you aligned yourself with the right people—not just for a power grab, but to bring your highest light to the world? If you haven’t read David R. Hawkins’ international bestselling classic Power vs. Force, and even if you have, this could be your manual for how to navigate the next couple months.

You may need to sort out who your real friends are and who’s just there to feed off of your energy and magnetism. Also on September 1, changemaker Uranus will turn retrograde, pivoting through Taurus and your fifth house of fame, drama and passion until January 30. Old lovers, admirers and, yes, users, could come out of the woodwork now. What do they want from you, Capricorn? Flattery could play to your ego, making you lose sight of your values and priorities, especially while Pluto is also retrograde until October 11. Keep your guardrails up and suss out motives before letting anyoclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” ne past the drawbridge!

Disruptor Uranus is in Taurus for a long, seven-year visit that began in 2019 and will end in 2026. Over the past few years, you may have noticed yourself acting much cheekier and a LOT less camera-shy. Maybe you’ve developed an attraction to a free-spirited type or you just got a lot edgier with the things you say. Your libido may also have woken up from hibernation. Rrowr!

Applause rightly goes to you for breaking out of any Capricorn confines since you tend to hold yourself back in public. (Behind closed doors is another story.) But have you become a bit TOO much of a Sea Goat gone wild? The temptation to rebel is intensified by shock jock Uranus, and as it tears through this passionate zone of your chart, drama could also ensue. An attraction—or a desire for attention—could be the source of this.

With Uranus retrograde for the rest of the year, an old romance could resurface, but it could also create a bit of chaos—so be careful before you open that door. You might return to a back-burnered creative project or distance yourself from a situation that’s brought up anger and tempestuous emotions.

In the meantime, focus on your visionary ideas and long-term plans. The Sun is in Virgo and your ninth house of travel, expansion and risk-taking until September 22. Translation: You don’t have time for other people’s drama! You’re ready to step out of any restrictive boxes and color outside the lines!

Your curious mind is primed for novelty and is eager to learn. Widen your viewfinder to the broadest settings possible. Many Caps will be in full-on “back-to-school” mode, signing up for workshops or other mind-expanding and metaphysical outlets. Embrace the bounty of inspiration and soak it all in!

The September 2 Virgo new moon puts the wind in your sails, launching you into outspoken and fearless terrain. As these moonbeams illuminate your ninth house of long-distance connections, learning and entrepreneurship, new possibilities present themselves. Where would you like to grow most, both personally and professionally? This new moon could attract the perfect teachers and resources for that.

Analysis paralysis alert! You could get overwhelmed by it all on September 3, when driven Mars in Gemini and your analytical sixth house forms a volatile 90-degree square with confusing Neptune in your cerebral third. Torn between two equally appealing options? Don’t rush into an important decision just because you’re eager for a resolution. When you feel this frazzled, you could easily make the wrong move. Take a day or two to sleep on it and trust that the right answer will emerge in time.

The silver lining? Mars moves out of Gemini and into Cancer tomorrow, energizing your partnership house until November 3. Not only will you attract people who are excited to support you, but you’ll be a lot clearer about what you need—and unafraid to ask for it.

There’s one more day that’s a little tricky for you. On September 8, the bold Sun makes its annual opposition to your ruling planet, stalwart Saturn. This can be a moment when plans become chaotic or everything feels a bit heavy or pessimistic. As the Virgo Sun and Saturn in Pisces clash across your communication axis, you’ll need to be mindful of your messaging today. Filter the information you take in AND the words you put out!

You’re normally good at keeping a low profile, Capricorn, and today brings a special advisory to keep your opinions to yourself. When the swaggering Sun gets checked by cautious Saturn, your impulsive rants and bold proclamations will fall flat.

This is a lesson that will bear repeating a week and a half later on September 17, when the Pisces full supermoon arrives as a partial lunar eclipse. Not only is this the start of fall eclipse season—it’s also the maiden voyage of a brand-new eclipse series rippling across the Virgo-Pisces axis between now and February 2027.

These two signs rule your houses of communication, ideas, teaching, learning, local affairs and global connections. Prepare to have your mind opened wide to new perspectives, ones you may help institute in your own community and with people far away. Look back to the time between March 2015 and February 2017, the last time we had eclipses in these two signs. You may have been involved in a media, education or community project, or with an important (and changing) cast of characters.

Looking for a project launch date or a day to rally the troops? September 19 to 21 offers a window of cosmic opportunity. The “hostess-with-the-mostess” Virgo Sun will form a grand earth trine (a golden triangle involving three planets) with trailblazer Uranus and influential Pluto across your creative and self-expressive sectors. If there was ever a day to go big and bold, this is it. For those planning to debut a cutting-edge project or pitch an out-there idea, this grand trine amplifies your powers of persuasion and helps you captivate your audience.

Your career takes the main stage starting on September 22, when the Sun moves into Libra and your tenth house of status, professional pursuits and leadership. The blue-sky dreaming of Virgo season gives way to revved-up ambition during Libra season, with clear goals and milestones to map out. Get ready to rebalance your goals as the fall equinox kicks off this four-week cycle.

It’s been fun to mingle among your many fans, friends and followers, but now there’s work to do. You’ve got Pluto in your sign for just two more months of your life, then never again will you hold that celestial scepter of power. (Kidding…but not really!) If there was ever a time to make your mark or lay the groundwork for a legacy, this is it.

So, where is this going? It may be all but impossible to stray from your ultimate relationship #goals this month as romantic Venus marches through Libra and your tenth house of future plans until September 22. You might hold your S.O.’s feet to the fire about a commitment or next-level promise.

With diplomatic and seductive Venus in your corner, employ a softer touch. No need to threaten or give ultimatums. Just paint an irresistible picture of what your shared life could be!

Meanwhile, passionate Mars is moving through emotional Cancer and your seventh house of committed partnership from September 4 to November 3. This cycle puts you in the mood for a heart-centered connection, one with serious long-term potential: impeccable cosmic timing for cuffing season! Regardless whether you’re coupled or not, this is an opportunity to center more of your needs in your relationship—and draw boundaries around them if necessary.

Committed Caps might realize that a relationship has traction, naturally bringing up marriage, engagement or family planning. Solo Goats might get more serious about dating and mating, foregoing Hinge or Bumble swipes for in-person meetings—maybe with the help of a trusty “modern matchmaking” service like Three Day Rule. You could also meet someone through a professional setting or have a strong connection despite an age difference. Enough with the wishy-washy games, Capricorn. You want the real deal—and you want it now. Just note that Mars can pile on pressure, so make sure that you or the other person isn’t coming across with an agenda!

A moment of honest communication arrives on September 17, when the Pisces lunar (full moon) eclipse illuminates your third house of communication and news. If you’ve been waiting for your love interest to let you know how they feel about something huge (like having a baby or moving in together), you could have an important conversation today. Under this no-holds-barred eclipse, you’ll know exactly where you stand, one way or another. Everything that needs to be said will be—in no uncertain terms.

Whew! Ready for a little lightness in your love life? On September 22, magnetic Venus enters Scorpio, your eleventh house of socializing. This three-week period is more playful than serious (but definitely sexy), and you could find yourself spending more time with friends, going to watch a football game at your local pub or nurturing a platonic connection before diving off the romantic deep end. Keep things open and exploratory. Single Caps could meet someone truly special at a lively gathering or via an introduction from a friend. A personal referral could make your heart sing, meaning a lot less of your valuable time gets spent vetting!

Make way for the gambling Goat! The Sun is blazing through Virgo and your risk-taking ninth house through September 22, heating up prospects for brave new ventures—that is, if your sensible sign is willing to take a chance. For the first three weeks of the month, explore the opportunities that will expand your empire, no matter how “out there” they may seem. Fortune favors the bold now.

The September 2 new moon in Virgo kickstarts a fresh six-month chapter in your entrepreneurial ninth house, offering an opportune moment to plant seeds of intention around a venture you’re excited about. Some Caps could also be thinking about going back to school or signing up for additional coursework to take your ideas to the next level. Don’t get caught up in working out the nitty-gritty details, however! Mars in data-driven Gemini forms a challenging square to Neptune in dreamy Pisces the next day (September 3), making it difficult to settle on a plan or long-term vision.

You’ll have more clarity when ambitious Mars moves into intuitive Cancer on September 4, focusing your attention on your key collaborators and business partners until November 3. An important question to consider: Who’s really here to climb up the mountain with you—and who might just be all talk and no action? Just because you’re able to endure a lot of responsibility, Capricorn, doesn’t mean you should.

Open communication becomes pivotal midmonth with the arrival of the September 17 Pisces lunar eclipse. Around this day, you might have a watershed conversation with a colleague or loved one that deeply affects your professional plans. If there’s been conflict, this is your day to make it right. A friend or colleague could make a pointed observation, and you realize that you need to change things up professionally.

If you’ve been waiting for word on something important, you could get a plot-changing email or letter. This full supermoon could also bring a chance for a dazzling dynamic duo, linking you up with someone whose skills perfectly complement yours.

On September 22, the Sun enters Libra and your professional tenth house, kicking up the career vibes. You might fire off resumes or craft a rock-solid plan for completing a huge project. There will be no wasted time on Instagram or ducking out to hit happy hour—unless it’s an industry networking event that could get you in front of the right people.

On September 30, the Sun and Mercury link up in Libra, boosting your innate charm and bringing thrilling opportunities to your sphere. You might be asked to contribute your expert opinion or lend your talents to an ambitious venture. Everyone is curious about what YOU have to say, so don’t leave your audience waiting!

Love Days: 24, 29

Money Days: 9, 18

Luck Days: 6, 16

Off Days: 26, 4, 14

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